
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Apple Watch as Gaming Platform - Use the Digital Crown to control sprite movement for a Pong like game

Use the Digital Crown to control sprite movement

Welcome to my new WatchKit tutorial. Today I'll show that it is possible to use the Apple Watch as a gaming platform. First let's look back to the first WatchKit versions. They have been very limited in terms of possible input controls. A typical game was usually built with a number of WkInterfaceButtons and looked like this:

15 Puzzle AppleWatch15 Puzzle AppleWatch

Since WatchKit 2 it is possible to use the Digital Crown for custom apps. This provides way more possibilities for great games, like this Watch Ping Pong version created by me.
I'll publish the Source Code as OpenSource in my GitHub repository, once I have reached 1000 downloads. Currently only 986 to go ;-)

Pong AppleWatch